is an editorial and publishing practice which decenters the book as a definitive, frozen-in-time object. hyperhouse makes hyperpublications: totemic, interpellative artifacts.
Topics of interest include Asian and Islamic cultural geographies, hyperreality and hybridity, multilingualism and queerness, geologic timescales and psychedelia, materialist philosophies and speculation.

12.5 x 18.5 cm
Three booklets (Arabic, English, Urdu) with metal bind
The book draws from The Earth Speaks Urdu, a play by the late Emirati writer and poet Ahmed Rashid Thani, staged in Sharjah and Al Ain in the 1980s. It satirized modern relationships between Khaleeji Arabs and migrants from south and west asia. WORK WORK WORK is my own interpretive mutation of the contents of the play and the author. It complicates assumptions made by cultural workers and thinkers about Gulf society, talks about the maritime history of Khorfakkan, Thani's birthplace, and histories of work and migration to the Khaleej.
Al Iraqiya
Al Iraqiya

20 USD / (73 AED)
60 x 84 cm
B/W Poster
60 x 84 cm
B/W Poster
This poster is a result of a collaboration by Hala Al-Ani and Ahmad Makia. It is an interpretive and contemporary take on illustrations made by artist Yahya Jawad in Sabiha Shaikh Dawood’s The First Path: To A Feminist Renaissance In Iraq [اول الطريق: إلى النهضة النسوية في العراق], published in Baghdad in 1958. Al-Da’ud’s book articulated the dynamic struggle and non-linear path of the women’s movement in Iraq. Countering the literature on women’s status in Iraq authored by European scholars, the book is incredibly thorough, ambitious in its scope, and innovative in literary and visual style.
Bibi Salme

30 USD / (110 AED)
11.5 x 16 cm
324 pages
Edition of 300
11.5 x 16 cm
324 pages
Edition of 300
Our inaugural edition, Bibi Salme, is a scanned reprint of the first English version of ‘Memoirs of an Arabian Princess from Zanzibar’, published by D. Appleton, New York in 1888. Released with no author and circulating mostly as ‘harem literature’, the Memoirs are in reality an autobiography penned by Emily Reute | Sayyide Salme bint Said, who was born Princess Sayyide Salme bint Said, one of the thirty six children of Sayyid bin Sultan (1791-1856), ruler of Muscat and Oman and of Zanzibar. Her recollections offer a complex historic narrative on family, governance, and labor relationships of settler Omanis in Zanzibar and the east coast of Africa.

30 USD / (110 AED)
A4 folder (A4 spiral bound zine; 16 x 24 cm stapled zine; 8 x 12 cm perfect bound zine; A3 folded poster; 8 postcards in rubber band)
65 pages
EARTHBUILDING by Dubailand is a book object of illustrations, graphics, and media that explores uses and interpretations of the surficial. Conceived as a collective author of Dubailand, this project included contributions from Fakhir Baig, Raja’a Khalid and Ahmad Makia, METASITU, Nima Nabavi, Laura Metzler, and Miti Ruangkritya. Together, they graphically and conversationally examine the convergences of Biotic-Bionic worlds. Designed and bound as a field worker’s process publication, it was a limited edition publication made for Ashkal Alwan on occasion of Home Works 8, 2019.
Sumer: Self-publishing in Abu Ghraib Prison

12 x 15 cm
30 pages
Cardboard box, loose sheets, yarn
Digital print
12 x 15 cm
30 pages
Cardboard box, loose sheets, yarn
Digital print
‘Sumer: self-publishing in Abu Ghraib Prison’ is an artist book based on an existing archive of self-bound, banned and underground publications made by political prisoners in Abu Ghraib during the Baathist reign in the 1980s. In this edition, I created an experimental and interactive facsimile inspired by the material qualities of the original self-bound prison notebooks. Since the book was made from the domestic laundry detergent packaging ‘Sumer’, the concept extrapolates from the original and provides users with a bare materials used in the original: cardboard, loose sheets and yarn. Providing users with the ability to recreate a book similar to the original, the book pays tribute to books published in camouflage.The hyperhouse edition is a limited edition artist-book with only ten books for sale!

10 USD / (36 AED)
38 x 29 cm
20 pages
38 x 29 cm
20 pages
A collaborative zine that explored sexuality, superficiality and irregularity. It includes a conversation between Ahmad Makia and Raja’a Khalid about the fallacies and superficialities of masculinity as well as pseudo-mysticism associated with female bodies. It also includes anexpanded narrative of an interaction between Ahmad Makia and Mahan Moalemi about various interpretations of ‘Ethnofuturisms’. The zine explores ‘bodywork’ — fitness, labor, and the patriarchal psyche and ‘outerworks’: spatial-making, imaging, and future speculations. Both conversations were conducted on Perso-Arab Gulf terrains. It also includes a communique / manifesto on queering discourse about Gulf-based phenomenologies.
بي بي سالمة: مذكرات أميرة عربية من زنجبار

صفحة: 172
15 × 10 سم
صفحة: 172
15 × 10 سم
تقدم بي بي سالمة مذكرات هذه سردًا تاريخيًا معقدًا حول الأسرة، والحكم، والإسلام، والانقسامات بي الشرق والغرب، فضلًا عن نقدها الثقافي لجهل الأوروبيين بالعرب. صدرت المذكرات لأول مرة من دون ذكر اسم مؤلفتها وغالبًا ما اُعتبِرت ضمن ’أدب الحريم والإستشراقية‘، وهي في الواقع من كتابة إيميلي رويتي، والتي عُرِفت باسم السيدة سالمة بنت سعيد، أميرة زنجبار وسلطنة عمان منذ ولادتها. وُلِدت لأم شركسية وكانت صغرى ذرية سعيد بن سلطان الستة والثلاثين. وينتمي سعيد بن سلطان لسلالة بو سعيد من عمان، والذين حكموا الإمبراطورية العمانية التي امتدت على طول المحيط السواحيلي ومقرها زنجبار.

14 USD / (51 AED)
24 x 17 cm
108 pages
Softcover (spiral bound)
Edition of 300
24 x 17 cm
108 pages
Softcover (spiral bound)
Edition of 300
This special edition of ZIGG by Raja’a Khalid is interested in exploring sex as an evolutionary psychology. It brings together contributions from a network of friends, peers, colleagues who have engaged or encountered the makers of ZIGG through intellectual, psychosexual vibrations. It includes text messages, illustrations, drawings, poetry, code, conversation, rants, and essays. Contributors include, Hala Bint, Alex Cecchetti, Common Accounts, Kelly Fliedner, Chitra Ganesh, Drew Gordon, Margaret Haines, Raja’a Khalid and Ahmad Makia, Amanda Lee Koe, and Deepak Unnikrishnan.
The Casement Report

40 USD / (146 AED)
28 x 21 cm
172 pages
28 x 21 cm
172 pages
At the turn of the 20th century, the anti-slavery and pro-abolition movements in England was well underway. One of its luminaries was Roger Casement who reported and sensationalized the British public with his transparent reporting on the human abuses in the Free Congo, by King Leopold II‘s government, and on indigenous Peruvians, by the Anglo-Peruvian Amazon Rubber Company. Emerging as a human rights campaigner and critic of imperial commercialism, Casement’s investigative reportage is considered a pioneer of anticolonial writing from the Western hemisphere during the modern century. Published originally by the House of Commons and embraced by the British public, it was later revealed that the British Empire used Casement to glorify itself as more sympathetic and sensible against its brute European imperial competitors. His compiled report on abuses in the Congo are reproduced from the original in this edition.